Hi all,

OK I have it all working. SMTP and ofline messages.
Actually only sends messages in outbox if you are connected to internted and you send a message, I´ll look (not soon) for making a new option in File to send messages waiting in outbox.

Well here is a list of known bugs in SMTP to see if anybody can help:

- Only send messages from outbox if you use MH or Maildir, I don´t know what would happen if you use Mailbox, it may send all the Mailbox, I don´t know. I´ll check for it.
I really need help for this since I don´t know how to do it. I need to be able to copy the message to be send to a different file (like the ones balsa generate /tmp/mutt-.... )

- No good error hadling. I have to work in it, but I wanted everybody to be able to see my work so far and help me out.

- No feedback to the user. If it has to send 50 messages it gets look until it finish, it doesn´t even close the new message window.

Well, that´s all for now, I´ll check the changes in the CVS today.


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