Welcome to GNOME.Asia Summit 2008

Dear participants,

Thank you very much for your registration and support to the GNOME.Asia

The summit will be taken place on 18th and 19th October (Saturday and
Sunday) at the Main Building of Beihang University in Beijing. For
details of the location, please visit http://www.gnome.asia/en/page/location/index/

Map of venue: http://www.gnome.asia/en/page/location/venueen/
Transportation: http://www.gnome.asia/en/page/location/transportationen/

If you are not able to join the summit, please login at www.gnome.asia
to change the status of your participation.

Instruction as below:
Login -> Dashboard -> My Profile -> Update the following information:
Attending Summit:
      I will attend two days of GNOME.Asia Summit,
      I will attend the first day of GNOME.Asia Summit,
      I will attend the second day of GNOME.Asia Summit, or
      Inform me about the next GNOME.Asia Summit in 2009

Thank you very much for your co-operation and look forward to seeing you
at the GNOME.Asia Summit this weekend!

GNOME.Asia Summit Committee





会场地图: http://www.gnome.asia/cn/page/location/vcnuecn/
交通: http://www.gnome.asia/cn/page/location/transportationcn/

如果您临时有事不能够参与峰会,请抽空登录 www.gnome.asia 网站并修改您的个

登录 -> 仪表板 -> My Profile -> Update the following information:

Attending Summit:
      I will attend two days of GNOME.Asia Summit
      I will attend the first day of GNOME.Asia Summit
      I will attend the second day of GNOME.Asia Summit
      Inform me about the next GNOME.Asia Summit in 2009


GNOME.Asia Summit委员会

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