team checked that production cost of a speaker gift (T-shirt + sticker +
gift) is USD 15, and transportation is USD 30-60 in average.
Emails sent to inviting keynote speakers on 14 Oct from local team.
The CFP deadline will be postponed again on 18 Oct to 25 Oct.
GitLab and openSUSE are silver sponosrs of GNOME Asia Summit 2020, as they commited on their GUADEC sponsorship.
Try to use GNOME BBB system for video+text discussion.
When will we meet next time?
21 October 2020, Wednesday.
Action Items
AI: fenris gives 1-3 names from local team to help proposal review.
AI: Kristi Progri change the deadline of CFP at event page.
AI: everyone push harder to promote CFP.
AI: the local team will consider alternative conference date option 28-29 Nov, update next week.
AI: Kristi setup BBB for next meeting for video + text discussion.
fenris will update Kristi and Sammy on Saturday 17 Oct about the
keynote speaker status. Kristi and Sammy will help to invite them if no
responses by Saturday.
AI: Molly follow up issue #48 on GitLab regarding the sending the sponsorship request template to the local team.
Yours Sincerely, Sammy Fung President, Open Source Hong Kong. http://opensource.hk