Re: Regarding Submission of Proposal for promoting GNOME in Asia for GNOME ASIA SUMMIT2016

Hi Ekta,

Mostly problem if you not filled "List supporting materials you will provide or use with your presentation. For example: slides, support website or code samples". Just fill it such as "slide will upload on wiki"

Please try again and fell free to contact me if still problems.


2016-02-16 15:17 GMT+07:00 ekta FET <ekta fet mriu edu in>:
Dear all

We want to submit the idea of talk to be delivered for GNOME ASIA SUMMIT2016. We are trying for the same but it is not getting submitted and it is prompting: "Fill all the required fields", although we have filled all fields. So we are attaching the copy of idea with email...kindly do the needful.

gnome-asia-committee-list mailing list
gnome-asia-committee-list gnome org

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