Post event after GNOME.Asia Summit 2015

Hi all, 

Just a kind reminder that we should planning for the post event during and after the GNOME.Asia Summit 2015. 

1. Official blog about the GNOME.Asia Summit Day 1 and Day 2 
Publish on: and 
Deadline; no later than May 10 

2. Press release 
Content: should include all the data, number and facts (Like how many speakers, talks, video and slides download etc)
Publish on: and 
Deadline; no later than May 15

3. Build a local GNOME Users Group 
This is one of the most important goal of having a GNOME.Asia Summit. After the summit, I am sure we can easily build a users group community based on the organizing team. This also can be a topic/BOF during the summit. Max and Bin has plenty experience on build a GNOME users group, they will be attending this summit. 

4. Best Blog/Photo Contest after the summit 

Summit is just a 2 days events, we need to create buzz after the summit, keep the community active. 

5. In the long term, participate in the GNOME Gsoc, Women Outreach Program, Hackfest etc. 

You may think about better idea. 


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