Fwd: GNOME.Asia Summit (Enquiry)

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From: Athirah Ayob <athirah myceb com my>
Date: 2014-06-05 17:21 GMT+08:00
Subject: GNOME.Asia Summit (Enquiry)
To: "emilychen522 gmail com" <emilychen522 gmail com>

Dear Ms. Emily Chen,


Greetings from Malaysia!


I am Athirah from the Malaysia Convention and Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB). We are a non-profit organisation established by the Ministry of Tourism & Culture Malaysia to develop Malaysia’s business events (meetings, incentive, conventions and exhibitions). We provide a range of services to assist Malaysian association to bid for and host international conventions in Malaysia. Part of our services to local association includes research for potential conference and other bid related matters.


I am writing with regards to GNOME.Asia Summit. We are researching on the possibility of bringing this event to our country and would be grateful if you could provide some basic information about destination selection process. I have visited your website but few questions still remain.


  1. I note that the GNOME.Asia will be held in Beijing China this year. Could you please advise what location has been planned for 2015 and beyond? When is the next open year?
  2. What is the bid requirement and expectation from host destination?
  3. Who can bid and host this summit? ‘m unable to locate any Malaysian member who is involved in GNOME.Asia but do you only accept bid proposal from your member?


Any information you could share with us, would be appreciated.


Thank you for your time and I’ll look forward to hearing from you.


Warm regards,

cid:image004.jpg@01CE6902.916BDF60Athirah Ayob

Executive – Business Development


Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau

Suite 22.3, Level 22, Menara IMC

8 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

T  +603 2034 2090   F  +603 2034 2091 ext 168

E  athirah myceb com my   W  www.myceb.com.my


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