Re: GNOME.Asia IRC Meeting Notes 20140107


 Here is the text for call for sponsor, could you help review it? Thanks!

Sincerely Yours,

Bin Li (李彬)

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Max <sakanamax gmail com> wrote:
Dear ALL:

Sorry for the late
You cloud find the notes on

Jan 7 2014 Meeting


  1. Emily
  2. Tobi
  3. Will
  4. sammy
  5. tonghuix
  6. BinLi

  7. Haggen
  8. sakana


  1. Review Action Item
  2. GNOME Asia Summit 2014
  3. When will we meet next?

Meeting notes

  • Review Action Items
    • Everyone give Emily feedback for GNOME.Asia main website content.
    • BinLi will give Tobi text version for CFS and Tobi will review it.<Keep follow>

    • Everyone discuss the theme of GNOME.Asia summit 2014.[Done]
    • sakana will write Call for Paper draft.[Done]
  • GNOME Asia Summit 2014
    • Everyone discuss the theme of the GNOME.Asia summit 2014, it might be "Evolution of GNOME".
    • Everyone discuss the Call for Paper and add some topic into CFP. Plan to announce CFP around 15th Jan, 2014 and CFP deadline at 28th Feb, 2014.
    • Beijing team met fedora team and start to collect hotel around the university, they also start call volunteers to take part as local organizers.
    • openSUSE people also willing to join, beijing team and openSUSE team will establish a local organizing team.
    • Beijing team will call for volunteers in school after Chinese New Year.
    • Everyone agree switch to weekly meeting for GNOME.Asia summit.
    • We should finish CFS as soon as possible, plan to finish it at 20th Jan, 2014.
    • Will will donate 600+ stock photo credits to the summit, thanks Will.
  • When will we meet next?
    • We will meet next week on Tuesday, 14 Jan,2014 at 14:00 UTC in #asia-summit

Action items

  • BinLi will give Tobi text version for CFS and Tobi will review it.

  • Emily to discuss the website with will and tonghui.
  • sakana add the theme to CFP after the re-word"Evolution of GNOME"

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