Re: GNOME.Asia IRC Meeting Notes 20130903

Thanks Haggen


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Haggen So <haggenso gmail com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
You could find the notes on

Sep 10 2013 Meeting


  1. karen
  2. Tobi
  3. HaggenSo
  4. sammy
  5. tonghuix
  6. BinLi
  7. sakana
  8. Emily


  1. Beijing proposal on GNOME Asia Summit 2014
  2. When will we meet next?

Meeting notes

  • Beijing proposal on GNOME Asia Summit 2014
    • Proposed date, May 17/18 or May 24/25.
    • Venue's price list of BeiHang University was obtained.

    • Gnome.Asia and openSUSE.Asia would run the summit in parallel.
    • The current plan was not to run a hackfest but a training programme, unless there is a good topic for hacking.
    • Questions to the Beijing team
      1. Potential sponsors from the openSUSE.Asia side ?
      2. What is the travel subsidy application process like in OpenSUSE community
      3. How is the OpenSUSE community scale in Asia, China and in Beijing
      4. The core team member who will contribute in organizing this openSUSE.Asia summit? How many of them , who are them ?
      5. Who is the sponsors/initiator from OpenSUSE community about start a openSUSE.Asia ? Does OpenSUSE has a board or Director like GNOME, what's their opinion/support about this event
      6. In the proposal it would be great to has the theme for this openSUSE.Asia, what's the target of this event, what's their focus, to grow community or enhance/develop technology - A few suggestions in the theme of Beijing proposal but no conclusion
    • Though there was only one proposal, the Beijing proposal was not accepted. The decision would be made in the next meeting. The Beijing team was asked to update their proposal to reflect the current plan.
  • Bin Li to become the PM for 2014 GNOME.Asia
  • When will we meet next?
    • We will meet next week on Tuesday, 17 Sep,2013 at 14:00 UTC in #asia-summit

Action items

Bin Li to ask Sunny if she can submit a proposal in two weeks.

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