Dear ALL:
Nov 5 2013 Meeting
- karen
- Tobi
- Emily
- sammy
- tonghuix
- sakana
- Review Action Item
- GNOME Asia Summit 2014
- When will we meet next?
Meeting notes
- Review Action Items
- sakana will mail to Jos about the openSUSE conference time. [Done]
sakana and Emily would work with announcement so that we could announce it when the time came. <sakana's fault, didn't finish>
BinLi would send e-mail to us about Fedora's decision. <Done>
- GNOME Asia Summit 2014
- openSUSE conference 2014 will be April 24th - 28th 2014, the date will not overlap with GNOME.Asia.
- Emily didn't meet anyone from fedora.
- Fedora decide to co-location with us, if they adopt the 2014 FUD conf. They will get the result at the end of Dec.
- Beijing team start to find a big conference venue and flexible to scale.
- We need get venue data and information about the venue first, and beijing team will work on that.
- sammy suggest beijing team should update their proposal with more detail. Everyone will co-work to modify it.
When will we meet next?
- We will meet next 2 week on Tuesday, 19 Nov,2013 at 14:00 UTC in #asia-summit
Action items