Re: Request for providing each speakers' material (result of preparing discussion)

Oh, Thank you so much Karen.

is there another one?
and uh ... could someone forward this email to another speakers?

2013/5/28 Karen Sandler <karen gnome org>
here's mine! Thanks for doing this!!!


On Tue, May 28, 2013 7:57 am, Seong-ho Cho wrote:
> Dear All Speakers of GNOME Asia Summit 2013.
> I'm in a progress of writing report about our event for submit to NIPA.
> NIPA has almost fully supported us and provided almost all of materials.
> (with event agent company. we should also remember them, and thank)
> They request to submit a simple event report to us before we start our
> event.
> I need more and more result of speakers' material to attach a result onto
> our event report. of course, copyright of each material will not be
> changed. I will not change anything of them.
> Including ...
> 1. a photo (It maybe provided by local team or some committee),
> 2. some source code for introducing any program
>     (I mean, not a event. software.),
> 3. all image which is created for our event
> and
> 4. presentation document which describes summary of each speakers'
> discussion key point,
> If we submit the event report with these material, The Korea government
> will gives us (GNOME Asia) their more help to support an free open source
> code production activity.
> If you removed that file, you don't have to provide your material.
> again my saying, It's ok.
> But if you have now, please provide them to me.
> I'll very very thank you for your thoughtful help for us.
> Have a nice this week.
> Regards,
> --
> Seong-ho, Cho
> Korean translator of the GNOME Korea.
> GNOME Asia Summit 2013 Committee.
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