Thanks Emily
2013/6/26 上午10:27 於 "Emily Chen" <emilychen522 gmail com> 寫道:Hi all,
I am going to send the report to Lemote soon. Even we miss one winner's information, but that should be fine.If there is no more information to add to this report, I am going to send this report to Lemote today.
-Emily2013/6/5 Max <sakanamax hotmail com>
I modify the doc this morning,
But we need to co-work with this report as soon as possible
Thanks everyone
Best regards
On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Max <sakanamax hotmail com> wrote:
> Thanks BinLi and DarkCircle
> We should co-work with this ^__^
> Please modify the report together
> Best regards
> Max
> On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle 0426 gmail com>
> wrote:
>> Bin Li // Don't worry,
>> I know how can we obtain local guy's name. and I know who he is.
>> I sent email to him to request "Could you provide your little privacy
>> (name,occupation,and so on) to Emily Chen, in English?" and
>> I heard that he sent his email in the yesterday night.
>> OK ... I guess that Emily seems to get his name and so on.
>> maybe? yes... maybe.
>> 2013/6/1 Bin Li <libin charles gmail com>
>>> Hi,
>>> Cause the picture is a little big, so it need approve, I just send
>>> another one with link.
>>> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We need to write a report to our laptop sponsor Lemote, it would be
>>>> great if we have a report with below information:
>>>> > We need to write a report to our laptop sponsor Lemote, it would be
>>>> > great if we
>>>> > have a report with below information:
>>>> >
>>>> > 1. The general summary of the event
>>>> This year we have a very successful GNOME.Asia Summit in Korea, we made
>>>> 3 trainning session for local university and community which is
>>>> interesting in GNOME.
>>>> In the first day, we have 1 small laptop for lucky participant which
>>>> draw by Karen, it's a local guy, but sorry we don't ask his name.
>>>> Second day, we have 2 small laptop for students which participate the
>>>> training session. One drawer is Simon which is organizer in local team,
>>>> another drawer is Allan which is very famous developer and designer in
>>>> GNOME community.
>>>> And at the closing event we gived the bigger laptop to the best speaker,
>>>> which is Tobias Mueller, this year he is candidate of GNOME foundation.
>>>> > 2. The luck winner name, email, profesional
>>>> Sorry no name, just picture.
>>>> > 3. The best speaker name, email, bio
>>>> see 1.
>>>> > 4. How the laptop been used during the summit, such as training or
>>>> > booth. If we
>>>> > have taken photos of those laptops, that would be great.
>>>> Sorry for no using it in summit, and Tobias feel it's cool book, very
>>>> beautiful.
>>>> >
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> -Emily
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>> --
>> Seong-ho, Cho
>> Korean translator of the GNOME Korea.
>> GNOME Asia Summit 2013 Local Organizer.
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