Re: Linux Pilot's email interview with Karen and Simon

Just a reminder on the questions:

Karen, would you mind to write/talk about any of exciting stuff
happening at GNOME, GNOME Foundation and GNOME.Asia Summit ? And the
Outreach Program for Women ?

Simon, would you mind to talk about GNOME community in Korea ? and why
Korea GUG host in this year ?

And Kenneth (Linux Pilot) would like to ask about:

what are the theme and topics of GNOME.Asia Summit this year ?
Number of participants.
What's the future plan and wishs of GNOME Foundation ?
How can general public support GNOME ?



On 14 June 2013 14:21, Haggen So <haggenso gmail com> wrote:
Hi All,

Just a reminder again for your contribution.



On Jun 3, 2013 10:58 AM, "Seong-ho Cho" <darkcircle 0426 gmail com> wrote:
s/to atHaggen/to attention about our TODO Haggen

sorry, I pushed a "send" button in my mistake :S

On Monday, June 3, 2013, Seong-ho Cho wrote:
Thank you for making us to atHaggen

On Monday, June 3, 2013, Haggen So wrote:
On 2 June 2013 10:04, Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle 0426 gmail com> wrote:
We need to double check about it.
please let us know when this due date is.
The due date already passed... Anyway, please do not miss it for the
next issue.

2013/5/29 Simon YoungKi Hong <simon hong81 gmail com>
Thank you Haggen :)
When is this due date?

2013. 5. 29. 오후 4:03에 "Haggen So" <haggenso gmail com>님이 작성:

Hi Karen and Simon,

Just a reminder on the answering the following questions.



On 24 May 2013 16:01, Sammy Fung <sammy opensource hk> wrote:
Hi, Karen and Simon,

Karen, would you mind to write/talk about any of exciting stuff
happening at
GNOME, GNOME Foundation and GNOME.Asia Summit ? And the Outreach
Program for
Women ?

Simon, would you mind to talk about GNOME community in Korea ? and
GUG host in this year ?

And Kenneth (Linux Pilot) would like to ask about:

what are the theme and topics of GNOME.Asia Summit this year ?
Number of participants.
What's the future plan and wishs of GNOME Foundation ?
How can general public support GNOME ?

Thank you.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Sammy Fung <sammy opensource hk>
Thanks Simon, I will forward brief of your idea to editor first.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:29 AM, Simon YoungKi Hong
<simon hong81 gmail com> wrote:
Hi Sammy,

Sorry, I completly forgot this.
I think karen's suggestion is good.
(Writing about our local community and why we host in
When is the due date? :)

Thank you.

2013. 5. 21. 오전 2:25에 "Sammy Fung" <sammy opensource hk>님이 작성:

Hi, Simon,

How about you ? Any topics/messages they would like to share
with /
distrubute to / tell readers ? :)

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Max <sakanamax hotmail com>
Sounds great, thanks Sammy and Haggen ^__^

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 2:11 AM, Karen Sandler
<karen gnome org>
On Wed, May 15, 2013 7:16 am, Sammy Fung wrote:
Hi, Karen, Simon, Max and all,

Linux Pilot will help and interview Karen and Simon by
That's great!!

Seong-ho, Cho
Korean translator of the GNOME Korea.
GNOME Asia Summit 2013 Local Organizer.

Seong-ho, Cho
Korean translator of the GNOME Korea.
GNOME Asia Summit 2013 Local Organizer.

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