Re: I need some photo to attach into local team's event report.

Sorry about sending mail, repeatedly. 
I didn't check latest "sent mail box"

2013/6/2 Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle 0426 gmail com>
I know that there are so many taken photo aggregated by us into flickr.

I already cannot find for some photo which reflects below presentation
(By date/time order)

 - GStreamer pipelines on embedded system in a practical way - JeongSeok Kim
 - EZilla - a simple way to create your own private clowd with user-friendly interface - Max Huang
 - Woman and Student from zero to geek - sphinx Jiang
 - Manokwari: HTML5 desktop built with GNOME - Mohammad Anwari
 - How hunspell Korean spell checking works - Changwoo Ryu
 - GNOME Development on Tizen - Joone Hur
 - Implementing Threaded Accelerated Compositing in WebKit GTK+ - 
 - GNOME and DLNA - Jens Georg
 - From Newbie To Translator - Yinghwa Wang

 - Haggen So's Lightening Talk photo

so ..please make sure that missing photo and upload into here:

and tell me about it.
Thank you.

Seong-ho, Cho
Korean translator of the GNOME Korea.
GNOME Asia Summit 2013 Local Organizer.

Seong-ho, Cho
Korean translator of the GNOME Korea.
GNOME Asia Summit 2013 Local Organizer.

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