2012. 11. 22. 오후 12:14에 "Emily Chen" <emilychen522 gmail com>님이 작성:
> Hi Simon,
> Usually, GNOME.Asia summit is free to attend, in order to attract more potential GNOME Users. Especially this will be the first GNOME summit in Korea, we can make it free.
Wow, it's a great news :)
> Good news to know that government will sponsor us venue. This is a great start.
> -Emily
> 2012/11/22 Simon Hong <simon hong81 gmail com>
>> Hi,
>> I have a question about registration fee.
>> Our government dept. that caring open source community has a program that support conference like gnome.asia summit.
>> So, we can get financial support for venue. (up to almost 4500$)
>> But, there is one option (only for conference with minimum fee, non profit)
>> To request this support, I should know about registration fee policy.
>> Thank you
>> Simon.
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