Re: Be a little organised when requesting information from the speakers


Have you guys booked the hotel? 
Can someone provide info such as how to reach to hotel,venue, will be appreciated?

Anish P.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chandni Verma" <chandniverma2112 gmail com>
To: "Committee list of GNOME.Asia Summit organization" <asia-summit-list gnome org>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 8:13:53 AM
Subject: Re: Be a little organised when requesting information from the	speakers

On 24 May 2012 23:56, Max < sakanamax hotmail com > wrote: 

Thanks Chandni: 

Sorry for use private mail to double check the booking information. 
And mail to Andre for explain " Why we use private mail to double check" 

The reason is we must booking our hotel in the short time. ^^ 

Is the information about their arrival and departure insufficient? Can we add more details on the page about for how many days will GNOME Foundation sponsor their stay and the hotel information and prices once finalized? 

I have seen communication about the hotel to speakers on mail but I am saying that the right approach is to showcase the hotel links on the website/wiki. 

Booking can continue. You don't have to book the hotel rooms before giving a name/map/link to it on website. If you are very unsure, you can always list it as tentative. 

We will keep in mind and thanks for suggestion ^___^ 

Best regards 


On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 4:07 AM, Chandni Verma < chandniverma2112 gmail com > wrote: 

These ways might seem unnecessary but keep in mind that many of those invited already receive tens of mails and bug-mails into their inbox-es daily. Wiki pages to handle inputs are really a blessing in such cases. 

The above request comes from a speaker on IRC- 

* mccann (~ jmccann c-24-61-9-155 hsd1 ma comcast net ) has joined #gnome-asia 
<andre_> sigh 
<andre_> why do people send lots of private emails requesting info in emails, instead of just setting up a wikipage? 
<andre_> "* How many night do you want to booking?" 
<andre_> - "Really depends on the price (that I don't know) and the hotel." 
<andre_> I hereby kindly ask people to add their arrival/departure data to 
<andre_> Thanks. 
<glassrose_> thanks for pointing me to the mess. I have raised the plight to be handled more effectively. 

On 24 May 2012 01:21, Chandni Verma < chandniverma2112 gmail com > wrote: 


I would like to suggest creating wiki pages at for planning proposes to ask for details like 
"How many night do you want to booking?" instead of messing with individual emails which are hard to track. 
The speakers can't answer such things unless they know the hotel and the prize/day/head which you shouldn't be reiterating in individual emails. 

Take tips from how I created wiki pages in the past. That will make things much easy to manage. 

I hereby kindly ask people to add their arrival/departure data to 

Thanks and regards, 


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