Dear all,
This is a reminder of today irc meeting and please find below
the agenda. See you!
Date: May 3 Tuesday
Time: 1400 UTC (1 hour)
Channel: #asia-summit at GIMPnet server
Planned agenda:
- Previous action items updates [1]
- Finalize the comment of the marketing video
- Update on new projects [2]
- Prepare call for host for 2012
- Other open topics
[1] Outstanding action items (status):
Pockeylam will follow up vincent's quote (DONE)
Abharath will get all the receipts ready (in progress)
Abharath will update report by the next meeting the exact amount
Fred will help to coordinate with other GNOME teams for call for host (in progress)
- Prepare press release (English and Chinese) - Fred, Pockey
(Eng) and Max (Chinese)
- Send press release to press (including our contacted press
and other general press from GNOME) and follow up - Bharath /
Fred / Pockey / Max
- Gather statistic from volunteers (participants contacts /
total no. etc) - in progress
- Prepare post event survey - in progress
- Send emails to sponsors to follow up - Fred
- Volunteers upload pictures
- Edit our marketing video - in progress
- Follow up with the board if we received all the money from
each sponsor (Fred / pockey / Emily)
- Update on the refund of paid participants (how much we
refund in total) and donation fee (17500 rs?) - Bharath
- Finalize expense report to send to the GNOME.Asia committee
first and then send to the Foundation upon approval - Bharath
/ Pockey
- Follow up with different communities to establish GUGs -
Pockey / Emily (in
[2] Some new project during the year
- GUGs meeting kit - Fred / sakana
- generic website - Fred / Pockey
- moving all the 2008,9,10 websites to the new VPS - Fred
- GNOME store in India - Pockey
- GNOME 3 apps in 5 minutes - abharath
- Local Volunteers how to for event
- Fred / sakana / Emily will build up some documentation for
volunteer team to work on their tasks
- Sakana will write a document for GNOME booth