Dear all,
Thanks for all the hard works everybody did over the past months
We finally made a great hackfest and conference with quite a lot
of great blog posts / publicities and positive feedbacks!
There are still some tasks to follow up after the conference, here
is a list. Since members are still travelling back to home, we
agreed to skip one meeting today, let's follow up our tasks
accordingly and update each other by email! Thanks!
- Every members please blog about the summit - everybody
- Prepare press release (English and Chinese) - Fred and Max
- Send press release to press (including our contacted press and
other general press from GNOME) and follow up - Bharath / Fred /
Pockey / Max
- Gather statistic from volunteers (participants contacts /
total no. etc) - Bharath
- Prepare post event survey - Emily
- Send emails to sponsors to follow up - Fred
- Send emails to speakers to follow up (thank them, upload
slides, ask them to blog, etc.) - Pockey
- Find a photo sharing platform - fred and everybody
- once the platform is agreed, volunteers should upload pictures
- Bharath
- Edit our marketing video - Max and Allan Caeg
- Follow up with the board if we received all the money from
each sponsor (Fred / Emily)
- Update on the refund of paid participants (how much we refund
in total) and donation fee (17500 rs?)
- Finalize expense report to send to the GNOME.Asia committee
first - Bharath
- Once the expense report is approved by GNOME.Asia Committee,
then we send it to the Foundation - Bharath / Pockey
- Follow up with different communities to establish GUGs -
Pockey / Emily
- Everybody to put comments on what we can improve for next
year(s) -
There are probably other tasks, please feel free to add them in this
checklist :) we have been documenting everythings / documents this
year and can reuse them for next year:
- Pockey