Re: Video taking for GNOME.Asia

Thanks Allan and Pockey


It's very nice to work with you.
I will edit the video as soon as possible

Best regards


2011/4/2 Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org>:
> Dear Allan,
> Max is here already, he will be coming with us to the venue at 8:30am today.
> Since I lost my voice, please take care of this task and give Max helps or
> brief him if he didn't check this email yet. This task starts today :)
> Thanks!
> Pockey
> On 04/02/2011 09:47 AM, Allan Caeg wrote:
> Copy that!
> You here yet, Max? Let's meet :)
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org> wrote:
>> Dear Max and Allan,
>> Finally! Tomorrow is our event day, as discussed we will make a marketing
>> video. We count on you to take video of participants / speakers / hackers
>> while asking the following three questions and then we will probably pick
>> some of the footage and make a marketing video out of all the video taken on
>> the 2nd and 3rd April. The video taking process can be happening in the
>> GNOME Booth while manning the booth :)
>> Questions to ask:
>> 1) Ask them to say " I am a GNOME Hacker" or "I use GNOME" or "I am a
>> GNOME contributor" etc.
>> 2) Ask them how do you use GNOME?
>> 3) Ask them why do you use GNOME?
>> We will have two cameras, one from Max, and one borrowed from Emily.
>> For the two days of conference, please select at least 30 persons each and
>> tape them when you ask them the above questions.
>> Max will help with the editing afterwards :-)
>> If anybody has any comment on the questions to ask, just comment it here
>> before end of today.
>> GNOME.Asia rocks!
>> Pockey
> --
> Regards,
> Allan
> User Experience Designer
> +63 918 948 2520

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