Re: GNOME.Asia IRC meeting 12 Oct 2010

hi all,

I will attend the adboard meeting and talk about GNOME.Asia status and our plan to GNOME advisory boards at tomorrow night.

Sending my regret to our IRC meeting.


2010/10/11 Pockey Lam <pockey beijinglug org>
Dear all,

Please find below the agenda for the upcoming IRC meeting on Tuesday and would Abharath please help to take notes tomorrow. Thanks!

Date: Oct 12, 2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 1400 UTC
Channel: #asia-summit @GIMPNet

  1. Update on last week action items:
    1. letter to Mario
    2. three mailing lists
    3. communication with other gugs
  2. Update from each potential country hosts i.e. India, Indonesia and Hong Kong
  3. Validate the pre-event survey for GNOME.Asia 2011
  4. Discuss about GNOME.Asia website new content

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asia-summit-list gnome org

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