Re: [COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010] PR for calling for papers

Dear Rex, 

Thanks for your short Press release. 

Can we add GNOME technologies after Open Source at the end? 

聯合研討會邀請世界各地熱衷於開放原始碼和 GNOME 技术的人士上 網站投稿。


On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 18:50 +0800, Rex Tsai wrote:
> Hi, Emily and Pockey
>   The deadline of call for papers is 6/19, which is about 3 weeks from
> now. We should push harder to get more speakers for the joint
> conference, it's important to spread the CfP right now.
>   In the last irc meeting, we discussed about putting the confirmed
> speakers in the PR. But I think it will take too much time to confirm
> attendance of speakers from both side. I suggested let's finalize the
> short version story first, and we can submit the story to online media
> like Linux Gazette or mailing lists of communities. We can still work
> on the official PR for mass media later.
>   Enclosed please find our latest version of story, please review and
> feel free to revise it. We like to release the news by end of this
> week/month.
>   BTW, if you have the CFP document, please send a copy to us. Then we
> can help to translate it into Traditional Chinese, and send it to
> local communities.
> Regards
> -Rex

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