> Hi CC Lien,
> Thanks a lot for the work on the visa.
> One more question, I heard that if we transfer at HK airport, then fly from
> HK to taiwan, there is no need for the "入台?" application.
> If this is workable, might be save us lots of time.
> Do you what is needed if we plan to transfer at HK to Taiwan?
> Thanks again,
> Emily
> 在 2010年6月11日 下午4:21,cclien <
cclien gmail com>写道:
>> Hi Emily
>> We have a good news from Pingooo.
>> Linpus will be our guarantor for visa application, and they need some
>> documents from potential visitors listed below for the "入台?" application.
>> COSCUP team will finish No.6 and No.7 for you, and our friends in China
>> needs to prepare No.1 to 5 and send them to Taiwan via air mail.
>> Keep in touch. :)
>> Best Regards,
>> CC Lien
>> 所需?料
>> 1. 大?人士?台申?(正本需???名)- As attachment
>> 2. 二?白底照片1?
>> 3. 身份?影本(?面)
>> 4. 在??明(正本需?大小章)
>> 5. ?人履??料
>> 6. 活?行程表
>> 7. ??名?
>> *申??台之流程
>> 1. (台??地)收到相??料後我?至台北移民署?理申??台一事,?7-10?工作天台?可以?利拿到入台?,???入台??交?您。
>> 2. (大??地)依?入台?正本至大??台?,?理後?申??台手?。?利可以入台?3周左右完成。
>> 3. 完成相?申??1?半月做左右,可?利?台。
>> 2010/6/9 Ernest Chiang <
dwchiang gmail com>
>>> Hi Emily,
>>> We are still check which organization can help us to issue the invitation
>>> letter. (because COSCUP organization team is not a registered unit
>>> in government.) We (cclien) will feedback you asap.
>>> Hi cclien,
>>> Please help on the invitation letters. thanks :)
>>> ernest,
>>> 2010/6/9 Emily Chen <
emilychen522 gmail com>
>>>> Hi Ernest,
>>>> Here are some potencial speakers from Beijing who are planning to apply
>>>> the visa to Taiwan.
>>>> Can you help us the provide the invitation letter in order to apply for
>>>> the business visa?
>>>> Hi Funda and Ray,
>>>> Ernest is the PM of the COSCUP organizor team. Please give the full name
>>>> on your passport or ID to Ernest.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Emily
>>>> 在 2010年6月9日 上午11:08,Funda Wang <
fundawang gmail com>写道:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> 我刚才大概搞清楚了。我们要办哪种类型的入台证?应邀商务吗?这个决定了我们是否要在大陆办理来往台湾通行证,以及办理签注的方式。
>>>>> 另,我们是不是抓紧要求台湾方面发邀请函?办理来往台湾通行证需要台办的批件和入台证复印件,而办批件是需要台湾的邀请函的。
>>>>> Pockey是香港籍人士,和我们的情况是不同的。