Re: [Fwd: [COSCUP-GAS] Tuesday IRC Meeting continues since 8/17 or 8/24?]


I'm available anytime aside from 9-10am and 3-6pm.


COSCUP is asking whether we should have our usual IRC meeting Tuesday at
10pm (local time).
Should we suggest to do a wrap up meeting on Tuesday face to face with
the coscup team while we are here?

If so what time is good for us?


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Ernest Chiang<dwchiang gmail com>
To: Pockey Lam<pockey beijinglug org>, Emily Chen
<emilychen522 gmail com>
Cc: Rex Tsai<rex cc tsai gmail com>, Jouston Huang<jouston gmail com>,
pingooo<ping nsr yeh gmail com>, lman Liang<lman ossmind com>, KC Chen
<kc free gmail com>, ossug.hychen<ossug hychen gmail com>, Bob Chao
<bobchao gmail com>, Pofeng Lee<pofeng gmail com>, COSCUP
<coscup googlegroups com>
Subject: [COSCUP-GAS] Tuesday IRC Meeting continues since 8/17 or 8/24?
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:48:02 +0800

Dear Pockey, Emily,

Really happy to meet you this weekend, and enjoy the conference
together :)

As we discussed last night about that we may need one or two times IRC
meetings for some after-meeting todos. We also considered that you may
just fly back to BJ today or tomorrow which may be tired. Just a short
confirmation that will we have a IRC meeting on 8/17? or we can have IRC
meetings on 8/24 and 8/31 with some more meeting preparation (ex:
finance numbers...). If we don't have IRC on 8/17, we can still share
and discuss via emails before IRC on 8/24.

Wish you all enjoy the post-tour in Taipei today!
I really want to join with you today, but need to catch up company's
project schedule. I will visit you in BJ in the near future :)


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