Re: GNOME.Asia Regular Bi-weekly Meeting [Oct 13rd, 2009, UTC 14:00 ]

Dear all,

below are the meeting notes from the last IRC Meeting for GNOME.Asia
2009. Overall the summit planning and organization is progressing
well. We still need confirmation of sponsors, especially we need to
get the funding and confirmation to prepare conference materials and
tshirts soon.

Best regards,


Agenda for meeting
1 Update on local team and organization
2 Website
3 Sponsors
4 Speakers

# 1 Update on local team and organization
- progressing very well with more than 10 people supporting
- meeting once a week
- translated most of the website
- also translate a few other documents like proposal, invitation
letters to enterprises and universities
- met QTSC yesterday and got update about the venue discussing details
on how to set up booths, how to manage the food and beverage
- preparing press release in Vietnam and QTSC asked us to include
their boss in our press release
- QTSC confirmed as official co-organizer
- QTSC want their logo to appear on every document that we send out
- budget evaluation - about food and drink, QTSC will give us the
estimated cost in the up coming week
- QTSC will also send out invitation to many companies and take care
Government official and annoucement of the event in Vietnam
- they can also help to facilitate for visas
- there will be government official, but we don't know who yet

# 2 Website
- list of To Dos for the website on wiki
- status wise the website has been operating pretty smoothly
- a couple of bugs regarding the translation system that Joey worked out
- local team has updated most of the pages with good content,
- Updates for the site that are set next  are activating the site
registration and speaker data upload.

# 3 Sponsors
- IBM Vietnam asked us today to include their flash banner on the
sponsors web page. after that they will join as a bronze sponsor
- IBM wants to see the sample first before signing sponsorship
- font is too small, we will make the default font size bigger
- Google is interested in sponsor, from Stormy
- Nokia, we have contacting Quim, but no response
- Mozilla, we are also in the process, no confirmation yet
- Sun, Emily is trying to push that,
- MarioB also contact Canonical
- MarioB asks Stormy about the contact information of the company list
- still contacting more local sponsors, we will meet up with a few
other companies this week.
- note: companies in Vietnam are not as big as in China and there are
no hardware producers that can sponsors laptops for example

# 4 Speakers
- there are several people who are interested to come
- many local developers would like to have a talk at the event
- We will share one google doc to update the status
- need to get international speakers in order to show the global
outreach of the GNOME and FOSS community

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com> wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> No problem. Good to hear from you. Mario was taking notes last night, he
> will send the minutes to you, then you can share with board.
> -Emily
> 2009/10/14 Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com>
>> Emily:
>> Sorry, I was unable to attend the meeting this time because I was
>> traveling back to Chicago from the Boston Summit.  Would it be
>> possible to send meeting minutes to the list?  I'd like to share
>> the updates with the board so they know what is going on.
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
>>> Reminder, we will have our bi-weekly meeting today Oct 13rd, UTC 14:00.
>>> We will use IRC for this meeting .
>>> #asia-summit  @ <>
>>> -Emily

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