Re: Further on from the IRC meeting of 28-Apr-09

Hi Sankarshan,

I'm very sorry to hear that. I'd like to reiterate that I do think you could do a great job organizing the conference!

I don't think we need to have someone from a company to run the event. Many of our events - especially GUADEC - are successfully run and hosted by volunteers. That said, I agree with you that there's still time.

I'd recommend that we put out a call for hosts on the foundation list.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ) <sankarshan randomink org> wrote:

Further on from the IRC conversation and, carrying forward from a
point that I re-iterated a couple of times, I think it would be a
better option for GNOME.Asia09 if we start looking around for someone
else (other than me) to get this done. It would probably fit in more
with the focus and objectives of GNOME.Asia if we look for such a
person within the companies/sponsors from earlier year who have a
presence in India ie. Novell, Nokia, Sun. It is early days still and,
it should not be difficult to organize an event.

I'd be hanging around the IRC channel and, possibly this list, to help
out wherever I can.



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