Some updates about GNOME.Asia09


On an off-line mail thread, Sayamindu, Nilayan and Will are discussing
about the sites etc. I understand that with the appropriate keybits
being made available with Will, the web-infrastructure first steps
would be in place. Additionally, a couple of options within Pune about
the venue have come up and, we have been scouting the places for

It would be good to know whether a formal GNOME.Asia committee exists
within the GNOME Foundation. The reason for the question is that it
would be good to add a few of the folks involved in this locally to
the list of folks on the committee. This would allow a somewhat
'formal' basis to begin contacting sponsors over email (and, other
available means) towards sponsorship for the event.

If such a formal committee does not exist, I'd like to form one
locally for the purposes of the event and move forward with the
ping_to_sponsors bit :)



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