Re: Weekly report - Sep 12nd,2008

One more thing, we have reserved another small room in the venue. Because we have got about 30 + talks and we need an extra room.

Will, we need to update the schedule and add a new room called : No. 2 Conference Room


On 09/12/08 23:52, Emily Chen wrote:
1. Motorola has confirmed to be Silver Sponsors! Great news. We will add Motorola on our website once I get logo,link and introduction from them.

2. Currently we already have about 190 people registered. See below data
Total: 222 Active: 195
I will attend two days of GNOME.Asia summit: 157
I will attend the first day of GNOME.Asia summit: 36
I will attend the second day of GNOME.Asia summit: 2
Inform me about the next GNOME.Asia summit in 2009: 17
One thing we have to think in advance is that the first 300 will have gift packages and lunch provided. I am sure we will have more than 400 to attend. We have to inform them that the registration is closed but they are still encouraged to come without food and packages.

3. We plan to have a lightning talk session in our summit. Each talk will be in 5 mins, let's call for nonparticipants and try to find 10 speakers want to try Lightning talk first in China. 4. Let's figure out a list of proposed people and sponsor them to Summit ASAP.

Nice weekend,

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