from packjam an art-gnome fan and member

Hello, I am a regular visitor of the art.gnome website, I keep it short, and I find the 4 wallpaper sections gnome, abstract etc. a bit confusing.
Since the digital camera revolution there has been a great section of choices of wallpapers overall on other gnome sites as well, not that gnome is all about wallpapers thankgod no.
short: I vote for another section on the gnome-art website called: made with "The Gimp only"
So for those who don't have a camera but have great works of art to add just with "the Gimp(c) and all of it's features, this will ad another feature to the website, let's be real, some art is made with photoshop, nothing wrong with that, but also nothing gnome with that.
I got this thing of my chest and can imagine thatother people would agree that "the Gimp's" art is different then sony's digital camera's art, nothing wrong with that again, but my meaning is this belongs to a different or 5-th section on sites like

Greetings, groet, Schöne Grusse Packjam,
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