[anjuta-list] How do I move files from Changed but not updated to Changes to be committed?

I'm using Anjuta 3.34 on Ubuntu 20.04.1 installed from the Ubuntu

I have a Git controlled project. When I modify files they appear in the
'Changed but not updated' section in the Git Repository Status pane but
I can't find an easy way to move these entries to the 'Changes to be
committed' section. I expected the Add option in the Tasks list would
be of help, but that requires me to either drag and drop files or type
the file/path name and does not seem to be aware of the files in the
'Changed but no updated' list.

I've searched for an answer to this but have not found one. User
oriented documentation for the Git plugin seems to be almost non-

I feel I may be missing something and there is a way to do what I want,
but I've yet to find it.

Can anyone advise on what I might be doing wrong or how to achieve what
I want?

Tony Arnold MBCS, CITP | Senior IT Security Analyst | Directorate of IT Services | Office 1, Kilburn Building 
| The University of Manchester | Manchester M13 9PL | T: +44 161 275 6093 | M: +44 773 330 0039

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