[anjuta-list] Setting up the project

I have an interesting issue.

I am trying to set up my project so that my binary executable will be
coming from
the same folder.
To give an example:

Currently Anjuta set the project structure this way:

MyApp -> src -> myapp -> (set of .c/.cpp/.h files)

What I'm looking for is:

MyApp -> MyApp -> MyApp -> (set of .c/.cpp/.h files)

So what I did was I created a folder in the project then in this
folder I created a
target. Then I copied all my source code from the src folder to the MyApp folder
in the File Explorer and remove the src folder from the project.

Then I did "Build->Remove Configuration...". It failed because it couldn't find
src/Makefile. So I just went in the MyApp/Debug folder and deleted everything.
Next I tried to do "Build->Configure Project..." To my surprise it also failed
asking for src/Makefile.

So, now my question is: is "src" folder hardcoded? Can I change the place
where the executable binary is located?

If I can how do I fix this?

Thank you.

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