Re: [anjuta-list] Is there a way to do that?

Hello Igor,

Am 29.03.2016 um 06:09 schrieb Igor Korot:
Hi, ALL,
Is there a way to tell the linker to bring only some classes from the

First of all, you mention classes, which language are you using, I assume C++?

What do you mean by "bring"? A dynamic library is either loaded or not loaded.

You can of course link against a static library and the linker might be smart enough to only pull functions 
from the library that are needed by the application into the application binary.

One of my libraries will depend on 1 class only and the others will need

I just don't want the library to be bloated....'

What's your definition of "bloated"? Are you concerned about dependencies to other libraries? Or are you 
concerned about the file size of your library?

Maybe split the library into smaller pieces then? For example a core library and an extended library that 
itself depends on the core library?

Thank you.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Mühlenhoff

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