Re: [anjuta-list] Anjuta Crashes when opening project


On 26/06/2014 08:20, Gurjot Singh wrote:
They are used in several places, by example Run->Program Parameter->Working
directory, Edit->Preferences->File Manager->Root directory is no project are
open. Could you check if it's crashing here too?
No, it doesn't crash there.
Just in Project From Existing Sources only.
I take a quick look at the source code but there is nothing special 
here. I will try to look more in details but I will probably need to 
install mint 16 so it will take time. Please fill a bug report with all 
information (including the back trace).
In the meantime, you can try to check with another distribution or you 
can try to compile anjuta with jhbuild using another version of Gtk.



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