Re: [anjuta-list] How to define the entry?


Le 24/05/2013 16:32, 前尘逐梦 a écrit :
class GUI:
     def __init__(self):
         self.builder = Gtk.Builder()
         window = self.builder.get_object('window')
     def on_button_clicked (self, button):
         text =entry.get_text()

But when I execute it, it returns this error:
NameError: global name 'entry' is not defined.
Could your tell me how to define a entry and Where I should put the
statement on?

The Gtk.Builder object will create all the widgets for you but it's up to you to get a reference to them. You have already done it for the window here:
        window = self.builder.get_object('window')

You have to do something similar for the entry in the __init__ function.
        self.entry = self.builder.get_object('entry')
'entry' is the name of your Gtk.Entry widget in your glade file, it can be something else.

Then in your on_button_clicked handler you can use
        text = self.entry.get_text()



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