[anjuta-list] I have a problem with auto-complete/calltips.


I'm using gtkSourceViewer, anjuta-3.6.2.
I have a c++ project, I have an object which has a function:

bool ConnectionHandler::getBytes(char bytes[], unsigned int bytesToRead)

I create an object like this :
ConnectionHandler connectionHandler(host, port);

and when I type :

I do get the autocomplete option ( getBytes() ) but I can't see the signature.
even when I write this :


I don't see the tooltip with the signature of the function ( I should see it according to [1] )

Is there something I should do in order to see the signature ?

[1] http://developer.gnome.org/anjuta-manual/stable/anjuta-code-assist.html.en

              Mark Bloch.

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