[anjuta-list] Fwd: Project Structure


I'm not new at C++ but I have been quite time programing with Java. Now I want to develop with C++ and I have a question that is relative with Anjuta and at the same time with C++.

At C++ I miss the "package" not for de concept, but for de structure of clases. For example, I have 2 clases (I have more, but for the example is enought) Biker and BikerDAO, and I would have a directory for "entities" and another for "DAO" under "src", the src directoy will be:
|    |-biker.h
|    |-biker.cc
|    |-....
|    |-bikerDAO.h
|    |-bikerDAO.cc
|    |-....

I don't know if that is possible in C++, but I think that it could be.
I was trying to do it with Anjuta. To create de directoy structure I think that I have to create a group "entites" and a group "DAO", and under everyone of this groups, I need to create a target but, what type of target? I think that static library won't be correct, and dynamic library too. Header filer perhaps? or miscelaneous data?

I already try it, and when I compile the target "domain" (it seems like entities), the output is "no rule to make target 'domain'". And when I compile the main it apear various "undefined references" to functions of the clases at entities "package".

What is it the wrong action? Where I can find I good documentation of Anjuta, because the Anjuta IDE Manual isn't helpful for this.

I attach "my project" for if you would try it.

Thanks, and sorry for my english, I'm spanish...

Attachment: uctremp.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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