[anjuta-list] library project naming.

Suppose you want to create the turtle library.

If using anjuta you name your project libturtle, then the name of the library, 
(the .la file), will be liblibturtle.la which is not what you want.

But if you name your project turtle, then the name of the la file will be 
libturtle.la which is correct. But the name of the tar ball if you do a 
	make dist-gzip
will be:
turtle-YADA.gz which is not what you want.
you want

You want the directory inside the tarball to be libturtle-YADA not turtle-

As it is now, the workaround is to name your project "turtle", then rename
the project "libturtle" later. This will get both the name of the library and 
the name of the project right!

Paul Elliott                               1(512)837-1096
pelliott BlackPatchPanel com               PMB 181, 11900 Metric Blvd Suite J
http://www.free.blackpatchpanel.com/pme/   Austin TX 78758-3117

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