Re: [Anjuta-list] symbols not working


thank you Johannes. I didn't realize that I need to recreate the project in order to select this option.
Now it works well.



Al 25/04/10 12:06, En/na Johannes Schmid ha escrit:

If you use anjuta 2.30.0 you can use the directory backend project which
won't care about your Makefile and just include any source files
available in the directory and its subdirectories.

If you use the Makefile-backend it's possible that it doesn't detect the
project correctly and doesn't find any source files. Depends a bit on
your Makefile layout as the parser isn't that great.


Am Sonntag, den 25.04.2010, 01:27 +0200 schrieb Joan Queralt:

I have a problem with using the symbols view feature. There are no
symbols in the symbol window, and options "go to declaration" and "go to
definition" doesn't work. I don't know if this is a bug in anjuta, or if
it is ok, because my project doesn't use autotools, it uses a custom
makefile. I remember that this options used to work in previous versions
and the same project. Can someone give me a clue?


Joan Queralt

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