Re: [Anjuta-list] help with anjuta..


CodeZer0 a écrit :
HI, i also updated to 2.26.2 . but when i was using fopen() fseek() etc etc
there was no calltip display.

fopen, fseek and so on are part of the standard C library, it is a enhancement request reported here:

For calltip functionality do i need to go via process of creating a new
project and then stuff stuff or just opening a new file from statrt and
using name.cxx will do??

You need to open a project. It doesn't work on a single C file, because the symbol db plugin ask the project manager to know all libraries used. So you need to create a new project with the project wizard or import an already existing project. Anjuta should read autotools project (with or and a in each directory).



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