Re: [Anjuta-list] Creating Project using FORTRAN (Johannes Schmid)

Thanks Johannes, I read the instructions, as suggested and then modified
the Makefile based project template for FORTRAN, withh all the related
files. Now I can generate the project but when I try to compile from
within anjuta, it gives me following error:

Can not compile "/home/suhail/Learning/FORT/foobar.f": No compile rule
defined for this file type.

However I can compile from within the directory generated by anjuta by
using the make command without any problem.

Thanks in advance for help.


Suhail Qadeer

>>I want to create some projects using only FORTRAN files. I searched in
>> the old archives and there is no info to do so. Is it possible?

>You could possible import a project if it uses autotools. But we have
>wizard for fortran projects at the moment. But if you want to create
>one, see the docs at


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