Re: [Anjuta-list] Trying to build a code using Anjuta

Am Sat, 19 Jul 2008 10:52:24 +0000 (GMT) schrieb Javier Garcia:

> Hi Andreas
> you wrote:
> > and
> Here is the
> ...
> PKG_CHECK_MODULES(liboggz, oggz)
> AC_SUBST(liboggz_CFLAGS)
> AC_SUBST(liboggz_LIBS)
> ....

Here you are doing the check for liboggz. I think the problem is that
you don't use that variables in the src/

For example in a C++ application:

myapp_CXXFLAGS = \
        -Wall \

myapp_LDADD = \

Where 'myapp' is what your app is named (look into as
example). If you've a C application use myapp_CFLAGS instead of

You could also modify that variables from inside Anjuta by right
clicking on the build target on the left side. Not sure how the entry
is names.

This all is really autotools specific. Please take a look into the
(online) book "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool".

BTW: Shoudln't Anjuta insert this variables into automatic?
I don't remember it.


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