Re: [Anjuta-list] Anjuta for Windows via cygwin

Thanks for your reply.

Well, you mean like setting up an app server?? That would require some
hardware for the Linux box!

I am rather doing the innevitable: convincing them to use a more technical
OS =o)

I got scared with the incredible CPU intensive work that CygWin + X did...
almost unusable.


                      Curtis Magyar                                                                                                           
                      <curtm4n gmail com>                  Para:    anjuta-list lists sourceforge net                                         
                      Enviado Por:                         cc:      Servico Tpd Rodrigo Alfonso Menezes Madera <tpd madera telefonica com br> 
                      anjuta-list-admin lists sour         Assunto: Re: [Anjuta-list] Anjuta for Windows via cygwin                           
                      24/06/2005 01:11                                                                                                        
                      Responder a Curtis Magyar                                                                                               

On 6/22/05, Servico Tpd Rodrigo Alfonso Menezes Madera
<tpd madera telefonica com br> wrote:
> I´m desperately searching for a way to use Anjuta on Windows. I have
> various ways.

I would just put Cygwin's Xorg on their desktops in rootless mode at
startup.  Then you can make an icon on their desktop which uses
Cygwin's ssh to run the app remotely from your Linux box.

   ssh -XYf linuxboxaddr anjuta

Use DSA keys for passwordless authentication if you like.

Then you're in like Flynn.  ;)

If you have probs with X11 forwarding, check here the answers should
all be there.
Curtis Magyar
curtm4n gmail com

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