[Anjuta-list] newbie experiencies

Hello people,

my name is Daniel and I'm just introducing myself in Linux programming.
I have downloaded and installed the last unstable Gnome2 version of
Anjuta. For the moment I'm having three problems but only the first one
remains. I've already solved the second an third ones so I think someone
can get some help from my experience.

First problem: This one is driving me crazy as I cannot
autogen/configure/compile/make any project. Every time I try to do some
of this operations the Build window shows the name of the action (for
exemple, "make -k") but stays for ever without any othe output. I cannot
stop the operation, but I can exit Anjuta. Please help!!

Second problem (solved): macros/autogen.sh of any project is looking for
automake-1.4. Why is this way. I don't have automake-1.4 but the newer
automake-1.6. The fast solution: edit macros/autogen.sh and simply
substitute automake-1.4 by automake. Same thing for autoconf. Maybe
macros/autogen.sh should be fixed.

Third problem (solved): I tried to do an autogen.sh directly form the
terminal, and this way it worked until configuring libtool. I this
moment it stops with this error:

creating libtool
./configure: line 8144: syntax error near unexpected token `GNOME,'
./configure: line 8144: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNOME, libgnomeui-2.0
gtk+-2.0 libglade-2.0,,exit)'

Obviously I have GNOME2 libraries installed, otherwise I couldn't have
installed the unstable Anjuta. After some investigation I found that
macros/autogen.sh is looking for $GNOME2_DIR but my Suse8.1 does not
have this env variable defined. Only by defining this the autogen.sh
reachs its end. Should'nt macros autogen.sh query form the system where
is gnome2 installed rather than using and env variable that maybe is not
defined in every linux distribution?

Please fix this problems. I think Anjuta is keeping its path towards
being the best Linux IDE. Keep the good work.


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