[Anjuta-list] Russian in Anjuta 1.0.1 - Conclusion

To enable writing Russian for Anjuta >= 1.0.1 you should put in the "user.properties" file a line "character.set=204" (this parameter originates from scintilla.h file in anjuta source package, it's placed there as #define SC_CHARSET_RUSSIAN 204, parameters for other languages are in this header file too). After that a normal text in anjuta editor will became italized (slanted) because of incompleteness of lucidawriter font for russian character set. You should
chose some other font (courier-adobe with iso646-1 charset, for example).
Strange, but "code.page=0" and "LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.UTF-8" properties seem to be ambigous -
it works either with these properties set or without them.
There still remains another weird thing: to put some russian string programmaticaly (to combo box entries list, for example) in widgets you should write something like "\320\235\320\265\321\202" (the russian word "Нет" - "no"). May be i've mistaken somehow and there is some more easy way?
In any case it seems to be a non-anjuta question.
   Igor Gorbounov

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