[Anjuta-list] Printer font?

I've been searching for a C++ IDE for linux for a few months, and have
settled on Anjuta (I didn't get on well with KDevelop and Eclipse was
much worse). Part of my quest to move away from NT and Visual C++. I
especially like the folding editor. I also like the support for files
that contain a mix of HTML and PHP. (There are a number of things I
dislike, but I'll post about them separately).

For the moment I'm wondering if the printer font size is fixed? Whatever
font I choose for the screen (*) the print preview is showing the same
size. Being able to choose a different font size for printing would be a
nice feature.

Anjuta 1.0.0, RH 7.3 RPM. BTW, I'm using it under KDE, not Gnome - would
that make a difference?


*: Incidentally, if I try font-sizes that don't exist (e.g. 7 point) the
font becomes roughly 16pt - shouldn't the font chooser dialog box
complain instead? (maybe that is part of gnome, not Anjuta?).

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