Re: [Anjuta-list] Disabling the -g -O2 switches

On 2002.06.06 22:22 Alfredo Cole wrote:
I'm using version 0.1.8 and SuSE 7.2. I have tried to disble
debugging and optimization, but the Makefile always has the
= -g -O2. How can I make it keep the parameters I have entered?

Another question: Will Anjuta 0.1.9 compile with Glibc 2.2.2?
Maybe version 0.1.9 already fixes this problem.

Anjuta definitely compiles with glibc 2.2.2 as that is what I have on my RH7.1 system. I'm not sure whether 0.1.9 resolves the problem you mention, but some work has been done on this for 1.0 (the current CVS version should be released as 1.0 in the next couple of weeks).

Andy Piper - Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
andy piper freeuk com

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