[Anjuta-list] Re: [Anjuta-devel] [Help Wanted] Recent stability issues with Anjuta 1.x

--- Jens Georg <mail jensgeorg de> wrote:
> On 23 Jan 2002 11:50:30 +0530
> ok, solved the problem for this tarball, patch is attached.
> it was an array-out-of-bounds-problem - biswa, check if i modified
> something in a way that shouldn't be. 
> Maybe gcc 2.96 and 3.0 are better at handling array out of bounds -
> things

Thank you Jens. That was really great.

> it does not work with current cvs... i'll track that down now...

Does this mean we may still have similar bug around? Will Biswa's
patch which we haven't yet committed fix this one. 

Ok, now that things are becoming better, I would like all those who
have reported the crashes to test with the Jen's patch on Biswa's
tarball and spot out if we still have more of these.

Mean time, Biswa, you can prepare a clean cvsdiff including the Jen's
patch and post it to me.

And thanks to all those who have fought with this nasty bug. :)


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