Re: [Anjuta-list] Anjuta

Paul Taylor wrote:
> I am trying to create a Gnome project with anjuta.
> If I create a generic terminal project, all is OK
> If I try to create a Gnome project, the project does not autogen.
> I get a error complaining that "." does not appear to be
> the top directory.
> I have anjuta version 0.1.6 and Glade 0.6.2

There's a bug with autogeneration of GNOME projects in 0.1.6. This has
been fixed in the current CVS version, and we will probably make
another release shortly to make up for the error. 

For details of how to fix it yourself, check the bug report for
#450078 on the SourceForge site.

Andy Piper - Fareham, Hampshire (UK)
andy piper freeuk com - ICQ #86489434

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