Re: [anjuta-devel] Adding some filtering mechanism for plugin


I'm currently working on the Anjuta profile manager.

* I have already changed Anjuta to move the scoped and descoped signal on the profile object instead of the profile manager. It means that the handler doesn't need to check the scoped or descoped profile name.

* Currently, a profile (= a list of plugins) always replace the previous one. I would like to have profiles which only modify (add) the list of loaded plugins. The goal is to have a system profile which is never unloaded. Currently each profile needs to include the system plugins. I can do this by adding an attribute to each profile telling if they are incremental or not or I can write a new anjuta_profile_manager_push_increment function to add a profile without unloading the previous one. Do you think that one solution is better or do you have another idea?

* The next planned change is to improve the profile file format (so this including the .anjuta project file). Currently you can only specify plugin that you want to load. I would like to be able to specify plugins that you want to disable and unload them if they are already loaded. I will keep the compatibility with the current file format, as it is a xml file it shouldn't be to difficult.

* The last change on this topic is to be able to specify a different system profile on the command line. The goal is to be able to execute Anjuta as a quite different program. Instead, I could use directly the name of the executable to find the profile. Do you think it's better?

* Another related change is to be able to check the plugin attributes defined in the .plugin file from the plugin code. My goal is to have more than one .plugin file for the same code. Basically, I plan to have have two .plugin files for the project wizard which define different attributes and are loaded in different profile. The project wizard code should check its own attribute and do something different. By example display only GNOME related project template if anjuta is using the GNOME IDE profile.

What do you think about these plans?



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