Re: [anjuta-devel] GNOME OS

Hi Massimo,

Le 08/02/2013 22:54, Massimo Cora' a écrit :
I've never tried the js plugin, just run it now. It doesn't seem to have
any completion feature: am I missing something? I've tried it on a Gnome
extension project.

No, I think we don't have auto completion for javascript. And as far as I have understood, it is, like Python, a dynamic type language so variables could have different types in the same block.

In python it's currently handled by rope which is "re-evaluating" python code on the fly based on the current position. I'm afraid it's an issue with symbol db which is keeping all types in the database.

I think llvm is already a step in the same direction because it already needs to "compile" the code to get the symbols.

Anyway, this is a very important issue so it would be really useful to make some improvements here.



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