Re: [anjuta-devel] is genuine

On Do, 2012-11-22 at 01:52 +0100, tower rowet wrote:
i was very impressed about GIMP in youtube so i decided to download
the software, the site i came across was
afterdownloading i realized that it was not even 2mb ofcourse i
surprised such great software with this smal size. while installing my
viruse scanner AVG stoped the instalation. i checked de downloaded
software with and there were other virus
scanners who found GIMPSHOP as APPL/InstallIQ.Gen5 ,
 Trojan.Win32.Heur.098, Adware.W3i.9, a variant of Win32/InstallIQ,
Riskware/InstallIQ and so on. in de mentioned site they refere the
manufacturer's website. as
aftergoogling a lot i saw your site and after downloading GIMP i saw
it is 15.8 mb.
I don't know how you ended up on this list (which has nothing to do with
GIMP) after being on that webpage, but well. 

question: is an official site for your
software. do you know anything about this site and the GIMP that the
Talking to one of gimp's maintainers, this site is not official, on top
of that it's either hacked or explicitly set up with the intent of
spreading malware.

The semi-official windows version of GIMP is available at which is also linked from gimp's

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