Re: [anjuta-devel] Code assistance plugin


We may instead create a new plugin, a "generic completion-engine", which
could receive requests for C/C++/Python/Vala/etc.
An adapter or a strategy pattern can detect which language you want the
completion for, and do it.
The exchange resulting objects can be defined as a CompletionSymbol with common-language fields (icon, kind, file, comments (to be displayed by a
completion-widget on GUI-end).

I'm not sure this is really needed now: it could be useful when some
dependencies are missing, but not much.

I agree.

As I see it the language-support-cpp-java plugin will only be loaded, if there is no clang plugin available or the clang plugin couldn't be loaded, because libclang is not installed. Than we have the old behaviour to handle c documents. If the clang plugin could be loaded, it use symbol-db without ctags. So we should have a way to skip ctags.

In the end we replace language-support-cpp-java plugin with the new clang plugin, because the clang plugin will be include the whole functionality of language-support-cpp-java.

So as Abderrahim mention already I don't see a reason why we need a completion engine adapter.


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